Common Pest Control

Common Pest Control

There are lots of common pests that invade home and sometimes get unnoticed by the homeowners.

Common pests can be a huge nuisance or serious problem that can be damaging to your health and house.

Most common pest that invade homes are

  1. Centipede
  2. Silverfish
  3. Spiders
  4. Fleas
  5. Sow bug
  6. Wasp
  7. Bees
  8. Black carpet beetles
  9. Box elder bug.
  10. Birds nest



Length: 13-40 mm

Colour: Greyish yellow to dark brown

Other features: One pair of legs per body segment, that make them have numerous legs.

• The centipede most often found in homes is the house centipede, scutigera coleoptera, a Mexican species now found throughout north America.
• This species has fifteen pairs of leg.
• It is capable of reproducing within the house and is found in damp areas such as basements.
• Centipede bites rarely, they produce a reaction comparable to wasp sting.



LENGTH: 10-15 MM

  • Silver fish are wingless insect.
  • They have somewhat flattened, tapered torpedo shaped body which is covered with metallic-looking scales.
  • The silverfish found in Ontario are nocturnal and prefer humid, dark area of a structure.
  • Silverfish can also be found outdoors.
  • They feed quietly on starchy substances such as glue, wallpaper paste and starchy food.
  • They also eat biscuits and breadcrumbs.
  • Damaged caused by silverfish is characterized by irregular holes.



  • Spiders have Eight legs and their bodies have two main sections; cephalothorax and abdomen joined by a slender waist.
  • Most of the spiders in the home become active only at night and usually are remained unnoticed in cool and dark corners.
  • They rarely bite unless molested.
  • Most common Spiders found in Canada are

I. Northern Black Widow Spiders

II. Brown Spider.


Identification :

Length: 16 mm

Colour: Female Spider is shiny black, abdomen is spherical with red colour glass like pattern beneath.

Male Spider is small, marked in yellow and red against black body.


Identification :

Length: 12 mm

Colour: Brown Tan Colour

Other Features: Dark violin-shaped markings on upper body.


Identification :

Length: Adult up to 3 mm
Larvae 3 mm
Colour: Adult brown to blackish
Larvae white and reddish when feeding.
Other features:
Adults are wingless and flattened from side to side.
They possess long powerful jumping legs.
Larvae roll up into a ball when disturbed

• Most common fleas found are cat fleas, dog fleas & rat fleas


Identification :

Length: Adult up to 3 mm
Larvae 3 mm
Colour: Adult brown to blackish
Larvae white and reddish when feeding.
Other features:
Adults are wingless and flattened from side to side.
They possess long powerful jumping legs.
Larvae roll up into a ball when disturbed

• Most common fleas found are cat fleas, dog fleas & rat fleas


Identification :

Length: 13 mm

Colour: Greyish

Other features: Plate like tergites, multi segmented with 7 pairs of legs and antennae.

  • Sow bugs are isopods.
  • They are often seen in moist areas like basements, beneath debris, rocks or broads in gardens.
  • They are wing less.


Identification :

Length: 13 mm

Colour: Greyish

Other features: Plate like tergites, multi segmented with 7 pairs of legs and antennae.

  • Sow bugs are isopods.
  • They are often seen in moist areas like basements, beneath debris, rocks or broads in gardens.
  • They are wing less.

6. WASP:

Most commonly found wasps are

I. Umbrella Wasps

II. Yellow jackets Wasps


Identification :

Length: Worker 15 mm

Colour: Worker is brown with thin yellow markings


Identification :

Length: Worker 12-18 mm

Colour : Worker is black and yellow.


Most commonly found bees are

I. Honeybees

II. Bumble bees

I. Honey Bees

Identification :

Length: Worker 11-15 mm

Colour: Worker is yellowish brown with black markings

II. Bumble Bees

Identification :

Length: Worker 12-22 mm

Colour : Worker black & yellow



Identification :


The adults are uniformly dark brown or black.

The elytra have short hair, legs and the antennae are dark yellow.

It is about 3-5 mm long.


The larvae is reddish to golden brown, with short scale-like hairs and a tuft of long hairs at the end of a long body.

9. Box Elder Bugs:

Identification :

• Box elder bugs feed principally by sucking juices from the box elder tree, but are sometimes found on other plants.
• When box elder bugs build up to large populations and invade a home they are usually pests only by their presence, although their piercing-sucking mouthparts can sometimes puncture skin, causing slight irritation.
• They seek shelter in protected places such as houses and other buildings, cracks or crevices in walls, doors, under windows and around foundations, particularly on south and west exposures.
• Box elder bugs can come out during the end of winter when it is cold outside and the sun is shining.
• They will then emerge in the spring to seek out host trees on which they can feed and lay their eggs.

How do we get rid of common pests?

We always recommend getting annual spray in summer to protect your house from these common pests.

We provide guaranteed Common Pest elimination with our Scientific Treatment Approach call D.E.P.T (Detection, Elimination, Prevention, Protection & Total Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed)

We provide 6 months guarantee on most of common pest treatment.

So please don’t wait until these pests get out of control and cause irreversible damage to your property.

Please give us a call today @ 855-501-0074
We will be glad to help you!

10. Birds nest removal

Commonly found birds that makes nest in the house are.

I. House sparrow

II. Starling birds

I. House Sparrow

Identification :

Length: 13-16 cm


  • Male has black throat, white cheeks and chestnut neck with grey crown and rump.
  • The female is streaked dull brown and dingy white below.

II. Starling bird

Identification :

Length:19-21 cm

Colour: iridescent black, flecked with white in winter, yellow bill in summer and dark in winter.

  • The noise and filth associated with the starling’s nest is the nuisance in urban area.
  • They make bird nest in the exhaust vents of kitchen hoods, bathroom vents and dryer vents. Inside the dryer Vents it can become a fire hazard.
  • These birds carry bird mites that can infest your house if the nest is not removed. Those areas should be sprayed for bird mites.
  • These bird mites are responsible for spread of disease like fowl cholera, turkey black head, Newcastle disease etc.

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