Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach


Length: Male Adult is 22-30 mm
Female Adult is 12-20 mm

Colour: Adult is Yellowish-chestnut Brown.

Other Features: The thorax and tegmina are edged in pale coloration. Antennae are long.

  • The Pennsylvania wood roach is normally an outdoor pest but can sometimes be found in homes and cottages.
  • Its diet consists mainly of organic matter, sweet or fermenting Substances, and fungi.
  • It hides beneath loose bark, ground litter, in wood piles, stumps and hollow trees.
  • The males of the wood cockroach are strong flyers and are often attracted to lights at night.
  • It is a common species in Central Ontario; noticeable differences in coloration occur from different locations in the province.

Husky Pest Control provides most effective Cockroach Treatment by various treatment technique like Actisol Fogging, Residual Spray, Dust and Gel treatment. Cockroach control requires Professional Knowledge and Experience to completely get rid of it.

Call us today at 855-501-0074 for free estimate on treatment !

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