Feral Pigeon


  • Feral Pigeon is widely spread in Ontario cities and surrounding countryside.
  • In winter, the Feral pigeon is less frequently encountered in open country.
  • Pigeon droppings deface and cause deterioration of buildings, statues and automobiles. Droppings may land on unwary pedestrians.
  • Pigeon faeces commonly contaminate grain destined for use as human food.
  • It can cause clog in the drain pipes which can  interfere with awnings and make fire escapes hazardous. Birds can be Nuisance for your house and business because they are health hazards as they transmit disease.

Bird can be nuisance for your business because they are health hazards as they transmit disease.They Deface Buildings and Vehicles with their droppings which is again high maintenance cost for Business.

To control birds at Husky Pest Control we use various treatment approaches for most effective removal from your property.

We provide bird control by Bird Proof Gel treatment, Netting for obstructing entry of birds, spikes at the building ledges/signs and by Electronic Bird repellents.

Call us today at 855-501-0074 for free estimate on treatment!

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