Bed Bug


Length: Adult up to 4.5 mm

Colour: Reddish brown

Other features: Nymphs and Adults are wingless; adults possess vestigial wing pads.

Bedbugs are reddish brown colour bloodsucking insect that are size of an apple seed once fully grown.

Bedbug’s Life Cycle :

Eggs-5 stages of nymph-adult bedbug

  • It may be troublesome in homes, hotels, theatres, poultry houses, and in buildings housing rabbits or other warm-blooded animals and birds.
  • Beg bugs feed mostly at night by biting sleeping people.
  • If they are very hungry and if the light is dim, they will feed during the day.
  • When biting, they inject an anticoagulant (to prevent clotting) into the skin.
  • This substance often causes the skin to become irritated and inflamed, welts develop and there is a lot of itching.
  • If feeding is undisturbed, a full-grown bed bug becomes engorged with blood in 3-5 minutes.
  • It then crawls to a hiding place where it remains for several days digesting its meal before emerging and seeking another meal of blood.

Our Highly Trained & Licensed Pest Exterminators uses multiple insecticide products specific to each stage of life cycle of Bedbugs like Eggs, Nymph & Adult Bedbugs.
We use combination of treatments like heat using steam vapour & Multiple insecticide.
We provide 6 months guarantee on Bedbug treatment.

Please give us a call today @ 855-501-0074 for free Estimate!

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